Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Appaloosa Painting Workshop!

Do you want to push your art to a new level?

Join me for an eight hour workshop on

Saturday, October 27, 2012 8 am - 5 pm (with a one hour noon lunch break)

in St. Charles, Illinois


Paint a Black Leopard Appaloosa in Acrylics and Pastels

My appaloosa patterned pieces have won several NAN Championships and Reserves. Learn how I approach the appaloosa, and work along side me to create your own at the workshop.  Then apply this knowledge to all of your future works! 

Start where you are - this class is designed for artists who want to kick their work up a notch, as well as those who are just starting out.

In a small group setting we will work through all of the steps of painting a black leopard appaloosa, from applying a smooth base coat, through adding spots and skin pinking, to the final steps of painting eyes, and hooves and sealing your work. At the end of the day, you will have a completed horse, ready to take to your next show, and tips and techniques to carry with you on your artistic journey! 

Please e-mail me at karbee9@aol.com for details, including list of required supplies, workshop price, and list of topics to be covered. 

I hope to see you there!


  1. THIS I need the most! I suck at appys. Wish you lived a wee bit closer.

  2. Oh bummer! Well, if I get a lot of feedback from people who would like to attend but are at a distance, I may consider putting together a longer workshop (such as a weekend...or even part of Friday plus a weekend) with more lead time for those who want to travel this way.

  3. I would really, really like to attend, but don't think I can work out the logistics (or the finances!) on such short notice. Maybe, but I doubt it...

  4. I just recently discovered your blog and think it's great. I would love to come but will be out of town this weekend (I live in your area). I hope you will do this and the prepping workshop again soon.

  5. Hi Anonymous and Braymere! I have had so many people tell me that they would love to do the class but aren't free that weekend, so I'm planning to offer the classes differently in the Spring. I'll list the classes and open dates, and allow the first student to choose the date. I'm hoping that will help match up more students to classes on the date of their choosing. So please let me know if you would like to set something up for after the first of the year!
