Thursday, July 7, 2022

 Join me for two brand-new workshops!

Paint a Bay Splash White Pinto

Painting Beautiful Model Horse Faces
All workshops are conducted and recorded via ZOOM, 
facilitating both LIVE participation and later viewing of 
recordings for those who can’t attend live!
Not sure which to choose? Why not take both? 
These two workshops run on different days of the week 
and also during alternating weeks.
Paint a Bay Splash White Pinto and Painting the Shade of Bay that You See
Learn the basics of the splash white pattern and basic color theory needed to translate the bay color you see into pigments, formulas, and layers to use while painting your model. This class is appropriate for anyone who would like to know more about the splash white pattern, including both beginner and more advanced artists. Participants may choose to apply information from class to paint their model with a bay base color or may alternatively select any other base color of their choice. Artists may use any medium for the solid-colored portions of the coat however most artists are likely to choose acrylic paints for the white portions of their model. Come to the first class with a prepped model and begin working on your model following the first class.  Three class sessions. $90.
Bay Splash White Schedule:
Tuesday, August 2, 7 – 9 pm central
Tuesday, August 16, 7 – 9 pm central
Tuesday, August 30, 7 – 9 pm central
Painting Beautiful Model Horse Faces
Further your understanding of what you find most beautiful about horse faces through exploration and analysis of real and model horse faces plus depictions of horse faces in flatwork. Learn how our own human vision, attention, and emotions impact our perspectives on animal faces and how to apply this knowledge to your advantage as you paint models for the show ring and sales forum. Build a toolbox of face painting techniques to incorporate into your work. This class will begin with a detailed study of the surface anatomy of the equine face. Participants are not required to have a model in progress for this class but are encouraged to share their past and current work during the group conversation. This class includes an optional OF model “retouch” activity, in which we will apply what we have learned to detail the face of an OF model using acrylics. This class is appropriate for artists of all levels and using any medium. Three class sessions. $90.
Painting Beautiful Horse Faces Schedule:
Wednesday, August 10, 7 – 9 pm central
Wednesday, August 24, 7 – 9 pm central
Wednesday, September 7, 7 – 9 pm central
To register:
Send PayPal to Please state the name of the class participant, the name of the class/es, and provide the participant's email address for ongoing communication about the class. You will receive confirmation of registration within 48 hours.
Questions? Please email me at

Dew. Sculpture by S. Rose. Painted by Karen Beeson. 

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