Friday, October 12, 2012

Sweet Savanah

I was in on a special surprise for my son Paul, and knew it was about to arrive when Savanah Jensen (daughter of hobbyists Linda Jensen) brought this over to Paul's show table at Meows and Minis...

Paul didn't know why Savanah had Breyer's traditional scale horse trailer...until she also brought over the truck and told him that it was her old set, now a gift for him!

What a sweet and generous girl!  The truck and trailer have played a part in many adventures this past month with dolls,


and rats.

Butters the Rat

Bella the Rat
(Louie the dog, shown in the upper left of this photo, also enjoys it when the rats ride in the truck.)

Thank you, Savanah, for the most generous and wonderful gift!


  1. Awww!! What a sweet girl, and such a nice surprise for Paul - AND the rat kids!!!

  2. Yes, Savanah is such a lovely, kind girl. We are so fortunate to know her.

    Re. the rats, it is funny how happy they are to be closed in there, as long as you give them a treat. Sometimes they don't even come out right away when Paul opens the door!

  3. Squee!!!!! Rats in the truck! I don't have a truck, but I do have a trailer.... Hmmm. I sense a photo shoot coming on!


  4. Jennifer, I SO hope you do the trailer shoot with your rats! We still need to do a special photo session for the *gift* that you and Tiffany made for us and our rats! Hee!
