Saturday, June 25, 2022

 Hello Friends! 

It has been a while, over five years since my last blog post, to be exact! Life happens, but I'm now back to painting and I'm hoping to get back to regular blogging about my work too! 

Recent years have brought many changes for me. Both of my boys are grown up and in college. I'm so proud of them! I'm offering individual and couples counseling at my day job as a licensed social worker while also helping others to follow their artistic dreams through my model horse painting workshops. 

Today I'm bringing you a favorite of mine. It would have been perfect if I could have called this a "Friday favorite" but it is now Saturday, ha ha! It is a favorite nonetheless! 

Have you heard of the podcast by the Mares in Black? The Mares themselves describe it as "a model horse podcast, for hobbyists, by hobbyists." To me it is pure FUN! Good friends Heather Malone and Jacki Rossi bring us fascinating commentary about current events within the hobby, history, and everything else going on pertaining to model horses. I love the Mares so much that I just joined their patreon, which helps keep them going. I started listening to the podcast a few months ago but have more recently gone back all the way to episode #1! I LOVE listening to the Mares while I'm painting! I'm currently working my way through the episodes, catching up on all that I have missed during my hobby absence of recent years. 

Check them out! Visit I'm quite sure that you will love them as much as I do! 

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